Extensive Hands-On Training on Psychological Assessments


Extensive Hands-On Training on Psychological Assessments

We Avec U in collaboration with Prasad Psycho is announcing an Extensive Hands-on Training Program on Psychological Assessments. This course is designed for mental health professionals who want to improve their skills in administering, scoring, and interpreting psychometric tests in various domains of psychology.


Why this Course

Program Details

Objectives of the Training

  • To enhance your ability to administer psychometric tests accurately and ethically.
  • To develop skills to effectively score and interpret test results.
  • To gain knowledge of various psychometric tests 
  • To improve your ability to utilise test results in clinical evaluations for diagnosis and treatment planning.


RCI registered Clinical Psychologists


Prasad Psycho Office, Sec 67, Noida

Perks of Joining

  • Hands-on training with supervised conduction of tests
  • Training materials and workshop kit
  • Certificate of participation
  • Assistance post training completion
  • Complimentary registration to Prasad Psycho DigiConnect
  • Receive a Letter of Recommendation from the organization (on request)


Students pursuing masters or higher degrees in the field of Behavioural Sciences and allied fields. Medical Professionals in the field of Behavioural Sciences.

Course Overview

Domain 1 - Intelligence Assessments

Assessments to be covered:

  • Bhatia Battery
  • SFBT: Solution-Focused Brief Therapy
  • NVGIT: Non-Verbal Group Intelligence Test
  • CPM/RPM: Continuous Performance Test/Rapid Visual Information Processing
  • BKT: Bloom’s Knowledge Test
  • MISIC: Multidimensional Inventory of Subjective Cognitive Impairment
  • VSMS: Vineland Social Maturity Scale

11, 12, 25, 26 May 2024

Domain 2 - Personality Assessments

Assessments to be covered:

  • 16 PF
  • SSCT: Sentence Completion Test
  • DAPT: Draw-A-Person Test
  • TAT: Thematic Apperception Test
  • EPQ: Eysenck Personality Questionnaire
  • NEO FFI/PI: NEO Five-Factor Inventory/Personality Inventory
Schedule: 8, 9 , 22, 23 June 2024

Domain 3 - Neuropsychological and Learning Disability Assessments

Assessments to be covered:

  • AIIMS Battery
  • DTLD


Schedule: 6, 7, 20, 21st July 2024

Domain 4 - Child and Career Assessments

Assessments to be covered:

  • CARS: Childhood Autism Rating Scale
  • ISAA: Intelligence Scale for Assessment of Autism
  • ADHDT: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Test
  • CBCL: Child Behavior Checklist
  • DAT: Differential Aptitude Test
  • DBDA: Draw-a-Bicycle Drawing Assessment
  • CC: Conners’ Continuous Performance Test
  • KCIS: Kinetic Family Drawing Interpretation System


Schedule: 3, 4, 17, 18th August 2024

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